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Welcome, friend.

We would be honored if you joined us for worship or fellowship at Grace.

Here are answers to a few questions that you may have before visiting!


What kind of church are you?

Grace UMC is a local church in the United Methodist denomination. We are a missional church that seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world, particularly here in the University Hills neighborhood of Denver, Colorado. For more information about what we believe, click here.


What music do you play or sing?

Our 10 am worship service is a really eclectic service! You will hear staple hymns of our faith, gospel songs, contemporary worship songs, and even some specialized music like bluegrass. God speaks to us through all different kinds of music and we celebrate the diversity of art created by our worshipping community. 


What should I wear?

We don't care and we don't think God does either. You’re welcome to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable whether that's a coat and tie, a dress, a pant-suit, your favorite team jersey and ball cap, or cargo pants and flip-flops. Like God, we celebrate the real YOU.


Will I have to stand up and introduce myself?

No. We know that many people are uncomfortable by this practice, so we don’t ask visitors to introduce themselves during the worship service. We do ask that you sign in and let us know you're visiting so we can introduce you to the right people and give you a little welcome gift. After worship, we have a coffee hour in the Narthex. This is a great time for you to plug in and meet the great people of Grace.


Communion: how do you do it and do I have to take it?

We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion one Sunday a month as part of the worship service, and it is usually the first Sunday. The United Methodist Church does not have a claim to the sacrament of Communion and we welcome all to share in this sacred meal. All that we ask is that you love God, earnestly repent of your sin, and seek to live in peace with one another. If you would prefer not to receive Communion, you may remain in your pew or come forward to receive a pastoral blessing (when you get to the front, please cross your arms over your chest and a pastor will pray a blessing over you). If mobility is a challenge for you, the communion servers will bring the communion elements to you. Just let an usher know.


Can I bring kids to the service?

Yes. Actually, please do! Infants and kids of all ages are welcome. From sitting quietly, to drawing on bulletins, to screaming and crying, we love all of the children God created and we celebrate having them in worship.


Do you pass an offering plate?

We pass the plates for our worship services, but we do it without judgement or expectation of any gifts. Anything you give is greatly appreciated! You can also bring or mail your offering to the church office, or give online.


Does your service include a sermon?

Yes, our Sunday morning worship service includes a 15-20 minute sermon, most often delivered by on of our pastors. The messages are scripture-based and tie in with the morning Bible readings, current events, and the liturgical seasons.


Do you baptize people?

United Methodists celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism for persons of any age. For older children, youth, and adults, the United Methodist Church has a baptism ritual, most often conducted as part of a Sunday worship service. Here at Grace, the baptism ritual is conducted by one of the pastors and includes placing a small amount of water from the baptismal font onto the head of the person being baptized and then an anointing of chrism oil on their forehead or hands. United Methodists do not believe in the practice of re-baptism. Please contact Pastor Seth if you have not been baptized and are interested in receiving the sacrament.


Do you say the Lord’s Prayer in worship?

Yes, we recite the Lord’s Prayer as a regular part of the service. It is always printed in the bulletin if you need to read it and we welcome you to pray it in any language that is prayerful for you.


Is there Sunday school?

Yes, there are Sunday School opportunities for children, youth, and adults during the 9 am hour.


Are your services streamed? 

Yes, we stream our Sunday services to Facebook and then upload them to YouTube. You can find them in either spot any time!


Is there someone I can contact for more or other information?

Yes, you can call our office at 303-756-1595. The office is staffed Monday through Friday, 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. You can also email our secretary, Jan Teves.

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